Child Abuse
Child abuse occurs in every country and can be happen to any children regardless of race, class, education, religion, and gender. From time to time, Malaysia was shocked with the increasing cases of child abuse and abuses that resulting to death. According to Amar Singh (Head of Pediatrics Department of the Ipoh Hospital), is expected that more than 10 percent of Malaysia’s population of children believed that have been and continue to suffer abuse and sexual harassment.
Problem Identification
-The cases of child abuse including neglect are increasing
-People are not aware enough how serious this problem can be and how it can bring a bad impact in the future
-People are not educated enough to detect if the abuse occur to the child or not and how to prevent it
Aim and Objectives
-To create more awareness and understanding to the community about child abuse
-To educate people about child abuse and how to prevent it
-Stop the abuse that is occurring
My life’s experience, I encounter some people who has been abused before but didn’t know how to face it or help them. I wish I was educated enough to help them before so then they will not end up doing wrong thing later which they already did
Ideation and Concept
The Child Abuse is interactive information where there will be some interesting effect on the buttons, icons, content, typography, pages, and of course, information of child abuse
The concept of it is a drawing block. Why choose drawing block for child abuse interactive information? Because those children have hard time to tell other people directly what they have been through and so, they express their feelings through drawing
Target Audience